Mixing cultures better than any other

Mixing cultures better than any other

Since the launch of Funside in 2007, youngsters visited our camps from 40 different countries – added 7 more in 2018!

Citizens from 7 newcomer countries, and from three different continents are going to visit Funside Balaton camps this year: Cyprus, Georgia, Lithuania, Malta and Moldova from Europe, UAE from Asia and New-Zealand from Oceania.

Getting in contact with more nations yearly is one of Funside’s most exceptional values. It’s nearly impossible to find, and difficult to search an ambiance like ours, where more than 40 cultures mix through numerous common programs and at least for a whole week.

As for language: internationality is pretty much a tool to improve language skills, as campers should understand each other through having fun, telling stories, co-working or in any situation.

Not any, but a very exact situation of Funside, that the future arrival of New-Zealanders means that only one continent left, which didn’t represented itself at Funside camps: South-America. So we have a new goal for 2019…  

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